February 21, 2020

Manual Flow

It is now possible to change some of the order’s statuses manually.

Such actions as Mark as Accepted, Mark as Delivered, Mark as Picked Up, and Mark as Carrier Invoiced are available.

The reason behind having these options is because sometimes brokers need to change the order’s status independent of the carrier.

  • To Manually Mark Order as Accepted, you need to provide:



    Broker primarily may use this option to mark order as accepted by internal carrier.

  • To Manually Mark Order as Picked Up:

    The order must be in status accepted and you need to pass adjusted_date to adjust the pickup date.

  • To Manually Mark Order as Delivered:

    The order must be in status accepted or picked up. To adjust the pickup and delivery dates, you need to pass adjusted_pickup_date and adjusted_delivery_date if order is in status accepted, and adjusted_delivery_date only if order is in status picked up.

  • To Manually Mark Order as Carrier Invoiced:

    You need to pass adjusted_invoice_date to adjust the invoice date.