Loadboard integration

STMS API allows to work with Super Loadboard and CentralDispatch loadboards. Orders posted to a loadboard referred as a load. Shippers can post loads to a loadboard and carriers can search, book or request them.

Table of Contents

Post to Super Loadboard

To post to Super Loadboard next fields will be required:

  • pickup.venue.city
  • pickup.venue.state
  • pickup.venue.zip
  • pickup.scheduled_at
  • delivery.venue.city
  • delivery.venue.state
  • delivery.venue.zip
  • vehicles[].make
  • vehicles[].model
  • price

You can post an order to Super Loadboard using the following endpoint:

curl -X "POST" "https://api.shipper.superdispatch.com/v1/public/loadboard/orders/<guid>" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \

This endpoint sets the order’s is_posted_to_loadboard field to true and posted_to_loadboard_at field to the date-time of change.

If the order was updated after posting to the loadboard it will be automatically updated in Super Loadboard as well.

Post to Private Network

This endpoint sets the order’s is_posted_to_private_loadboard field to true (keeps is_posted_to_loadboard with false):

curl  -X "POST" 'https://api.shipper.superdispatch.org/v1/public/loadboard/orders/<order_guid>/private-network' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \

Post to Private Network group

In addition to setting the order’s is_posted_to_private_loadboard field to true, this endpoint will update order’s posted_private_groups array with single private network group referenced in path variable <group_guid>:

curl  -X "POST" 'https://api.shipper.superdispatch.org/v1/public/loadboard/orders/<order_guid>/private-network/<group_guid>' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \

Remove (unpost) from Super Loadboard

To remove (unpost) the order from Super Loadboard you can use the following endpoint:

curl -X "DELETE" "https://api.shipper.superdispatch.com/v1/public/loadboard/orders/<guid>" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \

This endpoint sets the order’s posted_to_loadboard field to false but posted_to_loadboard_at field remains unchanged.

Remove (unpost) from private network or private network group

To remove (unpost) the order from private network and group you can use the very same endpoint as for removing from Super Loadboard:

curl -X "DELETE" "https://api.shipper.superdispatch.com/v1/public/loadboard/orders/<guid>" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \

Booking a load

If there are carriers with whom you have a trusted relationship, you can mark them as preferred. Preferred carriers can instantly book loads posted to Super Loadboard without an approval process. The booked load appears as an accepted load offer in STMS UI.

Load requests

Carriers who are not preferred still can search and discover loads in Super Loadboard. A carrier who wants to deliver your load can send a load request via Super Loadboard. You will get a notification (by email, SMS, and webhooks) each time you receive a load request. You can either accept or decline a load request. If you accept the load request, it will appear as a pending order in STMS UI. The carrier receives a regular load offer in CTMS and can accept the offer to proceed with the regular order flow.

If you want to manage the load request process using API, you should subscribe to load requests related actions. When a carrier sends a load request, you will receive load_request.created event. The event payload contains the load request’s GUID in data.guid field. This GUID is required to accept or decline the load request.

Accept a load request

You can accept a load request using the following endpoint:

curl -X "PUT" "https://api.shipper.superdispatch.com/v1/public/orders/<order_guid>/requests/<request_guid>/accept" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \

After accepting a load request the load is automatically removed from Super Loadboard.

Decline a load request

You can decline a load request using the following endpoint:

curl -X "PUT" "https://api.shipper.superdispatch.com/v1/public/orders/{order_guid}/requests/{request_guid}/decline" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'{
  "decline_reason": <Decline reason>

You can provide decline reason which will be shown to the carrier. Carrier whose request was declined can resend new load request. You can negotiate the delivery price or dates using decline reason.

If you want to completely ban the carrier you can mark carrier’s profile as balcklisted.

CentralDispatch integration

CentralDispatch is a popular loadboard for auto transportation. STMS API allows to post or remove loads in CentralDispatch. You should provide your UID to integrate with CentralDispatch.

Post to CentralDispatch

You can post an order to CentralDispatch using the following endpoint:

curl -X "POST" "https://api.shipper.superdispatch.com/v1/public/orders/<guid>/post_to_cd" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \

This endpoint sets the order’s posted_to_centraldisptach field to true.

If the order was updated after posting to the loadboard it will be automatically updated in CentralDispatch as well.

Remove (unpost) from CentralDispatch

To remove (unpost) the order from CentralDispatch you can use the following endpoint:

curl -X "DELETE" "https://api.shipper.superdispatch.com/v1/public/orders/<guid>/remove_from_cd" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \

This endpoint sets the order’s posted_to_centraldisptach field to false.